634431-SMARTer® Human scTCR a/b Profiling Kit
Brand: Clontech
Product Name Size Price Stock
SMARTer® Human scTCR a/b Profiling Kit SKU:634431 96 Rxns
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SMARTer® Human scTCR a/b Profiling Kit SKU:634432 480 Rxns
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The SMARTer Human TCR a/b Profiling Kit enables users to analyze T-cell receptor (TCR) diversity from single T cells that have been sorted into a 96-well plate. As the name suggests, the kit can be used to generate data for both alpha- and beta-chain diversity. The kit leverages SMART technology and employs a 5' RACE-like approach to capture complete V(D)J variable regions of TCR transcripts. Included in the kit are primers that incorporate Illumina-specific adaptor sequences during cDNA amplification. The protocol generates indexed libraries that are ready for sequencing on Illumina platforms.