RR036A-PrimeScript RT Master Mix (Perfect Real Time)
Brand: Takara
Product Name Size Price Stock
Master Mix for Real-time PCR SKU:RR036A 200 Rxns
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Master Mix for Real-time PCR SKU:RR036B 800 Rxns
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PrimeScript RT Master Mix (Perfect Real Time): Generate cDNA for real-time PCR

This product is a reverse transcription reagent kit designed to perform reverse transcription optimized for two step real-time RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). It contains a 5X pre-mixed reagent containing all of the components needed for quantitative RT-PCR reverse transcription (PrimeScript RTase, RNase Inhibitor, Random 6 mers, Oligo dT Primer, dNTP Mixture, and reaction buffer), and a reaction can be started simply by adding template RNA and water. Because it uses PrimeScript RTase, which features excellent extension, this product makes it possible to synthesize template cDNA for real-time PCR efficiently in a short time. The cDNA obtained with this product can be used in both intercalating green dye qPCR assays and probe qPCR assays.



  • Reverse transcription in just 15 minutes
  • Master mix format reduces pipetting steps and the possibility of contamination
  • Works efficiently with GC-rich and/or higher-structured RNA templates
  • Synthesizes full-length cDNA with high accuracy and at high yield prior to qPCR analysis



  • First-strand cDNA synthesis for real-time RT-PCR (qPCR)
  • Two-step real-time RT-PCR